Suing Bush Over 9/11: CNN says "Touche!"

by mediawatcher Friday, Aug. 16, 2002 at 8:37 AM

Today CNN presented a story on the press conference by "600 9/11" families who are filing a 1 million dollar lawsuit against "international banks" that "support the terrorists behind 9/11. What a coincidence considering that the 400 9/11 family advocate group just went public on Donohue with their billion dollar lawsuit against the Bush admininstration for their malfeasance over failing to protect U.S. citizens as the attack was occurring (see other IMC post on "Donahue").

Today CNN presented a story on the press conference by "600 9/11" families who are filing a trillion dollar lawsuit against "international banks and govt's who supported the terrorists behind 9/11. What a coincidence considering that the 400 9/11 Families advocacy group just went public on the Phil Donahue Show with their billion dollar lawsuit against the Bush admininstration over the government's malfeasance in protecting U.S. citizens as the attack was occurring (see other IMC post on "Donahue").

The 400 families group has been around for several months now (a high profile San Francisco lawyer is representing them), but this "600 families group" is a new predicament and it is perhaps no coincidence that they appeared after the controversial Donahue interview with Kristen Breitweiser, widow of a 911 victim who was killed in the WTC when the attacks occured. As a seeming counterbalance to Breitweiser's remarks (reported here on the IMC), a woman by the name of Burnett, another widow of a victim who spoke at the 600 press conference today on CNN, said that "we are going after the people who supported the terrorists...and I just want you to think of our troops, far away who are doing a job, think of them..."

Interesting how the woman tied the latter facetious lawsuit to advocacy for the attack on Afghanistan and, by implication, the war on Iraq. What is really going on?

Is the "600" group going to sue the Bush administration for giving $43 million to the Taliban last May of 2001? Are they going to retroactively sue the Reagan administration and Bush's Daddy for arming the Taliban in the 80s? The report said that the Bush government was going to give the 600 all of their support and means to go
after European banks that hold money for terrorists, including going after the govt. of Sudan (for allegedly supporting al qaeda). What about Chase Manhattan and Morgan-Stanley brokers who support U.S. terrorist operations in Latin America?

In other, seemingly unrelated news on CNN:
-- in San Diego, CA. USA Today has published a textbook supplement for high schoolers on 911. The
question is what kind of spin is being put on the incident.
-- United Airlines is about to declare bankruptcy. Another coincidence?

If anything, this all indicates that a war is being waged in court of public opinion as we approach September 11, 2002.