The Amalgamation of the Bodies of truth

by David Arthur Johnston Sunday, Jun. 23, 2002 at 2:43 PM


to be divine is to be dedicated to truth

if any church is to find redemption it must completely

no longer be dictated to by capitalism--- and the only

rule ever posted to read 'love'

it is the responsibility of the servants of God to be

perpetually inclusive- for it is in being welcoming

that the truth of God will be seen

it is our responsibility to suggest truth and, in

humility, dedicate ourselves to the articulation of

God's will- which is freedom and love

teach God through the giving of self, first and always

remember that there is no mystery in divinity

give the people a place to stay, without having to

sign anything, for however long they choose and you

will gain their trust- give the people knowledge of

true freedom and they will come to know why we are

referred to as 'being in God's image'... let

inspiration riegn

the highest discipline is forgivness

to master forgiveness one must master empathy- because

it is through empathy that we find that there are no

enemies (only children that don't know better)

we are all to be as Christ- know this as true

know that there are no countries

know that it is better to be homeless than angry

don't be afraid

... and also know that the cows forgive- because, like

us, they are God too--- it is the long hard road, but

keep in mind that we have all the time in the world if

our intent is good


I speak knowing I am God

I speak knowing that I am the source of honour

judge me, but judge me true- I claim to be divine- the

onnis(sp?) is on you to deduce divinity

there is only one commandment- love; love until the

shell ceases, without fear or anger, being most

productive towards happiness until you can vibrate no


and stuff...,


David Arthur Johnston

Original: The Amalgamation of the Bodies of truth