To all living under the shadow of 911 and the "War on Terror"

by David Bosankoe Thursday, Jun. 06, 2002 at 3:19 PM

Which do YOU trust - the Bush cartel or your own eyes?

To all living under the shadow of 911 and the "War on Terror":

I am David Bosankoe of Bristol, England. A few months ago the American Department of Defence released to the World Media the five security-camera (CCTV) frames that capture the attack on the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia that occurred on September 11, 2001. These frames were broadcast across the Internet News agencies where I was able to pick them up and enlarge them, after which I joined them together in a single animation file: - approx 160kb.

My attention was initially brought to these frames as I was searching for evidence in support of my position in an argument with Dick Eastman, an American who regularly posts his analysis, forwardings and links to uk.politics.crime and other newsgroups. We were arguing over the French web page, "Spot the Boeing,":

Eastman was expounding his theory of an internally planted bomb and, to show him his error I went to the BBC and did a search for 'Pentagon' and found the CCTV images. That's when I made my first animation from the frames.

Shortly before, American investigator, 'Agent Fescado,' provided on the website,, his own analysis of the CCTV stills based on evidence that included his own enlargement of the first frame in the sequence with added overlays of different aircraft, using the position and size of the tail fin of the actual attack craft shown in the first frame as the reference for determining scale and position.

What he found was that the profile of the plane in the frame when compared to the fitted overlay of a Boeing 757 where the tail fin of the overlay exactly covers the visible fin of the attack aircraft, was far too short to be a Boeing 757 (a rather obvious observation which nevertheless I later proved with mathematical rigor on my web site). What Fescado also found was a tail-fin fitted overlay of an F-16 made for a very reasonable fit, as also do other small military aircraft such as S-3B Viking (a craft which has been suggested by one of Agent Fescado's sources as the true Pentagon-attack culprit.). Which small military aircraft was responsible, is a question that must not distract from the now-established finding that the Boeing 757 of Flight 77 was not the aircraft that the CCTV visually captured, an aircraft which in my estimation is less than half the length of the 757).

Afterward, I found the Internet source for the MSNBC Flash animation of the CCTV images and extracted the Flash file out of their page, allowing me to use the inbuilt zoom function in Flash which includes a pixel interpolation function so I could quickly extract smoothed pictures. I've explained how to trace my steps in all this and 'do it yourself' at:

I then used a shareware version of Jasc Animation Shop to string this together in an 'animated GIF' which so many have now seen thanks to Dick Eastman.

When comparing proportions in the first frame, the height of the Pentagon's wall, 70 feet, with the 155 feet length of the Boeing 757, it becomes blatantly obvious that actual attack plane is too small. This finding led me on to the size of the hole that the plane made. When the plane first crashed into the Pentagon, it first of all it made merely a hole and only later, after fire crews had arrived on the scene, did the wall of Pentagon above this hole collapse. Fortunately, someone who was on the nearby freeway and passing the Pentagon at during the first moments of the attack had his camera with him and managed to get some really good shots of this hole (see my homepage: ). The size of this hole is surprising. I approximate it to be between two and three meters in across. Not only was the hole too small for a Boeing 757, there was also virtually no plane wreckage. The wings were nowhere to be seen. There was no luggage, seats, or debris that one expects from this type of crash.

Later, I saw the damage report on the extent of the internal damage. That too was inconsistent with an mid-sized airliner crash.

But that is just the beginning. In the first CCTV image a white smoke trail is visible to the right following the plane. However, the problem is that jet contrails only happen at high altitudes when the water vapor from a jet's exhaust freezes into a trail of visible ice crystals. So the only explanation of this white smoke is that it is the rocket-engine emission of a small missile. This conclusion is supported by the evidence in the second image, where the initial fireball is more of a flash explosion consistent with that of a small missile warhead. So on two counts of visual evidence it can be said that a missile was launched at the Pentagon just before impact of the attacking plane.

So in conclusion, instead of knife-armed terrorists with limited flight experience hijacking a modern passenger plane and flying it in to the Pentagon at ground level, we are forced to the conclusion that a military jet with auto pilot capabilities flew into to Pentagon, firing a missile just ahead of impact.

Also remarkable is the choice of the point impact, a point only metres away from the only fire hydrant on that side of the building. This was the hydrant for the heliport, with underground tanks, in case of helicopter crashes. (Again see my homepage.) Whoever planned the attack likely was thinking of damage limitation.

So, knowing that the attack craft was not a Boeing, it is abundantly clear to me that the US Government has lied to us about Sept 11th. I can only conclude that they did the deed themselves as a propaganda operation to 'justify' to the American people (and their allies) their sought-for war against the Taliban and 'War on Terrorism.' From other people's investigations it has become clear that this was all done for oil and opium and geopolitical gain, and NOT to liberate the women of that country from restricted Islamic lifestyles (a worthy enough cause, but certainly not a decisive motive for the war.)

Let that sink in a minute.......

It certainly took me a while to get it into my head.

My own line of 911 research has been has been restricted to the Pentagon attack. However, I have added many links and articles to my web site referencing investigations parallel to my own, including, especially, questions raised by the World Trade Center attack. There are many questions that the US Government should be answering about that. Among the most notable I can recall are these:

"Why was there a big increase in insider trading just before the attack?",

"Why were CEO's from the WTC invited to a charity dinner at around 8am on the morning of Sept 11 at an air base?" and

"Why did the twin tower collapse the way they did (like a controlled demolition, falling straight down and not toppling over)"?

Dick Eastman, at my request, has provided me with his own summary points:



1. getting the pipeline the Taliban had rejected;

2. control of the mineral wealth of Afganistan;

3. generating a popular and sufficient reason to attack Saddam Heussein (whom both father and son Bush have long wanted to see dead);

4. continued sustainability of the infamous "ring" of Afghan opium becoming Chinese heroin becoming laundered revenue proceeds becoming investment capital building new Chinese industry forcing the relocation of industry away from U.S. territory;

5. big money for the FBI, CIA, military industrial complex;

6. Destruction of wtc-housed evidence in the biggest-ever illegal oil swap case;

7. destruction of wtc-housed evidence in the biggest-ever gold price fixing case (illegal selling of Federal Reserve gold to elites at way below obtainable market prices);

8. Getting the FBI off white collar and bank crime (i.e. introducing total anarchy to the sphere in which the U.S. investment bankers, currency traders, derivatives makers etc. operate);

9. Having the CIA ("Capitalism's Invisible Army" as R. Buckminster Fuller called it) take over the FBI (the more legitimate and traditionally constitutional of Federal investigation and intelligence agencies) and in so doing purging the FBI of leadership symnpathetic with anti-globalist, populist, nationalist, constitutionalist, or pro-sovereignty thinking -- in fact it is the druglords taking over the constabulary; and lastest,

10. Accomplishing pre-emptive war set-up to look like retalitory self-defence, i.e., picking fights, against all "potential" terrorists by setting-up the those suspected of being capable of resorting to terror, actually conducting terror themselves so they can pin the blame on those they want to decimate, those who stand in the way of their economic and geopolitical dominance.

II. Remote-control crashes:

EgyptAir flight 10.31.99 -- clear case of remote-control takover; data captured on blackbox voice recorder and on instument recorder make it unmistakable that the plane was taken over against the will of pilot and co-pilot (a voice -- English, not Arabic, actually is heard in the voice recorder saying "control it" at the moment the controls begin to misbehave -- the efforts to refute this have only landed the government in deeper in a coverup --EgyptAir and th Egyptian government accept this view and not the obviously cooked findings of the U.S. review board.)

New York flight in Queens -- breaks up in air -- after rudder begins moving first right and left -- breaking off the tail fin -- another whitewash by U.S. aviation officials as well.

Miami Flight -- rudder goes wild on its own, then stops. This was a "test" of the remote-controlsystems.

Ron Brown's crash in Croatia -- same deal, and then, to make sure Ron Brown got a bullet in the head by the first "rescuers on the scene.

The Plane that hit the South tower. Note the Japanese video showing another aircraft streak by at the moment of impact -- presumably a guidance aircraft or a missile to do the job in case the plane missed its intended target. (very little data on this besides the video itself, so we tend to leave it alone, but it is definitely part of the big picture.

III. Pentagon "small jet"

This is the "smoking gun" that could finish the crime syndicate responsible for 911 -- unfortunately the crime syndicate knows this very well and the American people have hardly begun to get the word.

1. DoD video -- the Bosankoe evidence

2. small hole -- the French evidence and the photo from the freeway

3. witness accounts -- those who saw a horizontal approach claimthe plane was too small to be a Boeing 757 -- many military menwho did not see said they heard a jet fighter, some heard a missile.

4. Air traffic controllers claim plane behaved like a military jet.


1. Intelligence -- FBI prevented from investigating (after merger with the CIA they won't even try, btw)

2. Air interceptions -- could have, but didn't -- ordered not to -- many many sources on this; many officials (Cheney, Rumsfeld) caught in falsehoods

VI. Phony bin Laden video (Dick says: I have lots of analysis of this that are on no site that I know of -- I had forgotten this until now)

VII: Evidence of prior planning and attempts to enlist other nations in war against Afganistan pre-911 (Powell in India, most especially; but many others)

And the lesser stuff:

Bush's behavior on the day and subsequently.Rice's statements before 911.Wolfowitz lightening appraisal and conclusion that war on Afganistan is necessary.Economic links of Bush, Cheney etc. to profiteering from exactly this war.The short-sells and where they lead.


I am at a loss as to suggest where to go next, but I will leave you with this. Enough pressure of disclosures has been brought to bear on the US Government to warrant Congressional hearings into facts surrounding the events of Sept 11th. Such hearings are already starting THIS WEEK in private sessions and later will be opened to the public/media.

The Committee chairmen will however try to limit the scope of the investigation to "intelligence failures" and will certainly attempt to overlook the overwhelming evidence of the small-plane attack of the Pentagon as well as many other pertinent pieces of information .

It is up to you, you who have checked the Pentagon-attack evidence presented here to let the US Government know that they can no longer hide from the truth and that those who continue to evade these questions will be seen as collaborators in the worst crime of this century.

David Bosankoe, BSc. (Computer Science).


Many articles (a lot from Dick Eastman with references) can be found at:

Links to various web sites and other investigations into the US Governments complicity on September 11th can be found at:


All the hyperlinks from the book "The War on Freedom - How and Why America was Attacked, September 11th, 2001" by Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed can be found at:

"The War on Freedom - How and Why America was Attacked, September 11th, 2001"

by Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed:

With the permission of the author, I included the concluding chapter of his book below.

In his own words: "Please do feel free to forward the concluding chapter to as many people as possible."


The War on Freedom: How and Why America was Attacked, September 11th, 2001


Original: To all living under the shadow of 911 and the "War on Terror"