NION 6/6-LA- Guerilla Theatre !

by * Wednesday, Jun. 05, 2002 at 1:49 PM
included included

nion nationwide events

Los Angeles, California

5 p.m., gather at Pershing Square (5th and Hill Street) in Downtown Los Angeles for pre-mass Pledge taking activities, including cultural performances, music, spoken word and guerilla theater.

"We are calling for people to bring their own displays, artwork and statements to create a Not in Our Name Memorial to the victims of the U.S. war against the world's people and a tribute to acts of resistance to the U.S. war and repression. Then special guests will start things off by each making a short statement about why they are taking the Pledge and reading a stanza from it. The event will culminate with a mass taking of the Pledge of Resistance at 8 p.m. in Pershing Square. "

For more information: (310) 236-0732 or

The Pledge to Resist

Join with thousands nationwide on JUNE 6, 2002

to take this pledge of resistance.

We believe that as people living

in the United States it is our

responsibility to resist the injustices

done by our government, in our names

Not in our name

will you wage endless war

there can be no more deaths

no more transfusions of blood for oil

Not in our name

will you invade countries

bomb civilians, kill more children

letting history take its course

over the graves of the nameless

Not in our name

will you erode the very freedoms

you have claimed to fight for

Not by our hands

will we supply weapons and funding

for the annihilation of families

on foreign soil

Not by our mouths

will we let fear silence us

Not by our hearts

will we allow whole peoples

or countries to be deemed


Not by our will

and Not in our name

We pledge resistance

We pledge alliance with those

who have come under attack

for voicing opposition to the war

or for their religion or ethnicity

We pledge to make common cause

with the people of the world

to bring about justice freedom and peace

Another world is possible

and we pledge to make it real


Creemos que como habitantes de los Estados Unidos

Tenemos el deber de

Resistir frente a toda injusticia

Hecha por nuestro gobierno en nuestro nombre

No en nuestro nombre

Emprenderán una guerra sin fin

Ni habrá más muertes

No más transfusiones de sangre por petróleo

No en nuestro nombre

Invadirán países

Bombardearán civiles, matarán más niños

Dejando que la historia se escriba

Sobre lápidas sin nombre

No en nuestro nombre

Destruirán la misma libertad

Que dicen defender

No saldrán de nuestras manos

Ni armas ni dineros

Que aniquilen a familias

En suelos extranjeros

No serán nuestras bocas

Silenciadas por el miedo

No permitirán nuestros corazones

Que de otras naciones pueblos enteros

sean llamados malditos

En contra de nuestra voluntad

No en nuestro nombre

Juramos resistencia

Juramos solidaridad con los que sufren

Por decir no a la guerra

Por su religión

Por el color de su piel

Juramos una causa común

Con todas las gentes de la Tierra

Hacia la justicia, la libertad y la paz

Otro mundo es posible

Y juramos hacerlo real

Original: NION 6/6-LA- Guerilla Theatre !