Holes in the Official Story - 911 in Context

by sequoia Monday, May. 20, 2002 at 5:35 PM

this is part of a feature written a few months ago for Portland IMC. as congress and the mainstream media finally start asking some questions about who knew what when, it's important to understand the context surrounding 911 - what the hell is going on here??

Holes in the Official Story - 9/11 in Context

What's missing from the official story of 9/11 is historical context. The spin doctors want us to "remember September 11th" over and over again, so we don't notice what happened before or what has happened

since. The administration not only refuses to talk about historical context, but systematically "discourages" people from doing so - as in, for example, teachers who dare to discuss the big picture surrounding "terrorism" risk being branded anti-American and getting fired. These attacks are not the result of over-zealous "patriotism", but a necessary component of enforcing the propaganda. The spinners understand that historical context is a crucial piece of the puzzle. Because once we understand who the players are in this game of Infinite War, and examine their actions prior to and since 9/11, the official story - used to justify violence against "terrorists" around the world

Original: Holes in the Official Story - 911 in Context