Musical Protest in front of the World Bank!

by David Ney/Shiitake Mushrooms Wednesday, May. 08, 2002 at 7:06 AM

I attended the A20 protests in Washington DC, and this is how I protest! I play songs of revolution! Tunes of resistance against the corporate feudalist war mongers! Film makers at the Washington DC Independant Media Center got some footage of me speaking (singing) my mind in front of the World Bank (SHUT DOWN THE BANK!!!) Check it out:

Hello revolutionary brothers and sisters!

I attended the A20 protests in Washington DC, and this is how I protest! I play songs of revolution! Tunes of resistance against the corporate feudalist war mongers! Film makers at the Washington DC Independant Media Center got some footage of me speaking (singing) my mind in front of the World Bank (SHUT DOWN THE BANK!!!) Check it out:

Scroll down the main page a bit to the "Musical Resistance" feature.

If you like the songs, you can download them and about 45 others from this site: