Salute SKAA

by Kim San Wednesday, Mar. 27, 2002 at 5:42 PM

Down with Direct Action against Racists

Much love and respect to those who militantly organized against the racist elements in SoCal.

Active, physical confrontation against racism and facism is a viable and necessary tactic within a broader revolutionary programme.

I understand that there are comrades and wannabes who are not or cannot be down to directly confront and combat pigs and racists.

It is ignorant to assert that physical confrontation and direct action is not a part of revolutionary struggle.

If a bunch of EuroAmerican racists are organizing in my community, I don't care if they are only talking. Rhetoric is part of their attack. This kind of activity has a historical context, a pretty fucking genocidal one.

EuroAmericans need to know we have the will and the method to militantly organize ourselves against them and for our benefit.

For all those denouncing direct action and strategic assaults, study your history. The Vietnam, the Korea, the China, the Philipine, Guatamala, El Salvador and this valiant list continues.

People of Color have been successfully and militantly organizing themselves against imperialism for centuries.

I salute all those who went up against the racists in Westwood.

See you on the front lines and within the community,

Kim San

Original: Salute SKAA