[PFMPE] Prospects and Prescription of Mathematically Perfected Economy

by mike montagne - PEOPLE For Perfect Economy Tuesday, Mar. 19, 2002 at 7:34 PM

Mathematically perfected economy: Singular prescription for true free enterprise, and full, unimpeded prosperity. (See online version for article, complete with images.)

Monday, March 18, 2002

[PFMPE] Prospects and Prescription of Mathematically Perfected Economy

Mathematically perfected economy: Singular prescription for true free enterprise, and full, unimpeded prosperity. (See online version for article, complete with images.)



"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about things that matter."

Martin Luther King

The whole purpose of representative government is free coexistence, on equal terms. Classes and privilege, particularly where welded to government establishment, are entirely inconsistent with representation intended to render just coexistence. Abuse of power itself is known by degree of obstruction to free and equal coexistence. The more severe the iniquity, the greater the oppression.

When a government imposes a "financial" system upon its people which forces them to pay lifetimes, generation upon generation, for the very homes they produce themselves by a few months' work; When a government imposes a "financial" system which, by perpetually multiplied financial leverage, is capable alone of installing political representatives perpetually favorable to further maldistribution of wealth and power by that system, to the ever greater detriment of the people; When the ostensible principles of that system are not subject to vigorous public debate and obvious, due repeal; When a government imposes a "financial" system which spreads its oppression to further nations, there too above true accountability to their people; and, When a government conspires with peers in abuse of power across the world, to spread "financial" systems across the world which further multiply unearned and undeserved takings from diverse people by multiplication of debt so severe, the abuse imposes upon the world itself, the brink of collapse under insoluble debt, there is no question abuse of power is great.

The perpetually multiplying accumulation of wealth by usury is manifested largely by the nuance of "interest" being withdrawn from circulation, and, that to retain the vital circulation, interest must be borrowed back as perpetually increases subsequent debt so much as periodic interest. Payments against debt must be re-borrowed as new debt. Payments against interest increase the sum of debt, in proportion to the circulation, or commerce which can be sustained by it.

This ever-multiplied, unearned profit is largely responsible for all further maldistribution of wealth from those who produce it. Consequent debt, diminished credit-worthiness, and ever-more-overwhelming costs of debt service under a circulation characteristically far less than production, further preclude, to a huge degree, the much greater prosperity we are otherwise capable of.

Mathematically perfected economy is little more than elimination of interest in lieu of a singular charge, equal to the value of actual financial services rendered.

The currency of mathematically perfected economy is purely a token of value. Rather than being issued by the privilege of private profiteers, it is issued and regulated by mutual consent of the public itself, without profit, that it may be purely a token of value, and that as a token of value, it replicates the natural processes of true free enterprise.

To replicate the processes of true free enterprise, it is only necessary to synchronize payment of debt with rate of consumption, that in trade, every producer receives equal to their production.

Beyond this, mathematically perfected economy is merely to provide adequate circulation, that all possible commerce can be sustained. The quantity of circulation necessary to sustain trade of all production is equal to the production itself. No circulation comes into existence without creation of equivalent production. The value of the circulation is comprised directly of, and without obstruction of procuring, the value of the production it immutably represents.

How then is prosperity financed so as currency, and the regulation of a circulation, replicate true free enterprise?

In the case of a 0,000 home with a hundred year lifespan, the cost of the home is paid to the producer with a debt assumed by the possessor. The debt is paid off at the rate of consumption

Original: [PFMPE] Prospects and Prescription of Mathematically Perfected Economy