Taco Bell Demo Photos

by johnk Monday, Mar. 04, 2002 at 8:14 AM

The Pasadena demo featured a portable stereo that played 80's new wave dance hits and Le Tigre.

Taco Bell Demo Photo...
tacobellpas.jpg, image/jpeg, 549x872

Though I got to this demo late, the energy level was high. This was evidenced by it's effectiveness: the restaurant was empty, and the streets were clogged with cars. Someone was smart enough to bring music to dance to and there was radical cheerleading happening.

Talk about "praxis". The combination of radical action and participatory entertainment culminated in an effective demonstration of people power, and resistance through music.
Thanks for indulging my inner cornball photo fool. These photos suck, because they were taken with a $25 digital camera.

Let's make like Tiger Beat and play a game. List your three favorite political pop tunes, and three favorite protests (or protest forms, or acts of resistance).