[PFMPE] ECONOMIC COLLAPSE: What is Money, or Currency?

by mike montagne - PEOPLE For Perfect Economy Sunday, Mar. 03, 2002 at 11:12 PM

Why the nature of currency is vital.

March 1, 2002

[PFMPE] ECONOMIC COLLAPSE: What is Money, or Currency?

Why the nature of currency is vital.



"Money" is not just a medium of exchange, unless it is only a medium of exchange; and so an exact and complete definition of money or currency is vital, because the very form of money may multiply debt in proportion to the circulation, to the ever greater cost and disadvantage of the subjects of the ostensible "economic" system, and to the ever greater profit and advantage of the few who impose that system upon them.

We cannot understand the ramifications of a monetary system unless we truly understand what is often called "money." In modern history, governments across the entire world have been corrupted purposely, to impose a currency which irreversibly multiplies debt in proportion to commerce.

As a result, vast accumulations of wealth have entrenched shaded plutocracies at ever greater cost to unassenting publics. For the irreversible disposition of every such system itself, we have suffered repeated, longer-term cycles of multiplication of debt and debt service, unto termination of commerce under insoluble debt. From the ashes of eventual, inherent bankruptcy across entire systems, after bankruptcy wipes away debt, the plutocracy, already empowered by unjust collection of the wealth, ensures their systems of debt multiplication are begun anew, to suffer no different consequence.

The original purposes of currency were simple, but complete insofar as serving the purposes of involved parties. The original forms of currency arose spontaneously in accord with the desired structure of trade. In such an original form, the money, if any, was a token of value. No party which contributed nothing to the trade, profitted from it.

Ultimately, governments would come to regulate monetary circulations. In very many cases, because the power to issue currencies is the opportunity to take tremendous unearned profit from entire nations, the advantages of a circulation which could be honored by

Original: [PFMPE] ECONOMIC COLLAPSE: What is Money, or Currency?