Skrewin' the KPFT pooch

by .-D Thursday, Jan. 31, 2002 at 10:56 AM

Buzzanco shows hand. Reign of Terror begins against KPFT activists.

errorTuesday, January 29, 2002 was a fateful day for KPFT. On that day the Reign of Terror began.
The whole thing started off when former KPFT general manager (GM) candidate, Hep Ingham, returned to his KPFT LAB duties to look over the applications for the remaining GM candidates. But Hep wasn't interested in actually looking them over. He immediately forwarded one of these highly confidential documents to his pal at the Pacifica Cramp-pain, Denis Moynihan, who promptly put it up on the net, from what I hear. Then Lyn Gerry got a hold of it and spread it around some more. Hep and Denis did their jobs well. Now it was up to Lyn to lend her reputation to the theft of these documents from the KPFT LAB, and claim some sort of sovereignty over all things Pacifica. It was as if Lyn told everyone that she was now queen of KPFT and will decide what is right for us.
But that was just the beginning. I went on the webcast Tuesday night and Jeff Blankfort brought up what Lyn had done. I said that Lyn was preventing us here in Houston from exercising our right to self-determination. Then the s*** began to fly at a hurricane rate. The war against those who saved KPFT was on. It came from various people on the air wanting to criticize the content of the documents, which they had no right to see at all. And Lyn had heavily loaded her comments about the content in such a propagandistic fashion, that the other on air people were screaming bloody murder about the content, or alleged content of the material.
When I began to lay out the reasons we in Houston had elected for a certain amount of confidentiality in the GM selection process, the very legitimacy of the KPFT LAB was called into question. I tried and tried to point out to these people the errors they were making in what they were doing and what they were standing for, but knew I'd never get anywhere with that crowd, so I hung up.
It just got worse from there. Scooter was ranting and raving on how he will continue to spy and undermine what the LAB is doing. GM candidates, Otis Hardy Maclay and former KPFT engineer, Bob Chamm, abused the KPFT LAB chair and another LAB member in an attempt to alter the GM selection process in their favor. Now, this Bob Chamm was the KPFT engineer when I was arrested and he was the one responsible for the security camera videotapes, which never showed up in my case. And Otis, as many of you know, had long called Garland Ganter his friend.
As if that wasn't enough, Bob Buzzanco, who is the ringleader of this bunch, all told, got on the air to call for Dan Jones' removal from the LAB and his position as secretary there. And Buzzanco went to great lengths to create an impression that Dan Jones and myself had hijacked the local movement. This relates to the coming purges by the Buzzanco cabal.
These people are trying to take power at KPFT, by hook or by crook. They've got their little followers like Sheila Harris and Shannon Smith and a few supporters, but they ain't got much at all in the way of numbers, which should bother them tremendously, but for some strange reason, doesn't.
They can't purge me because I already quit before the year ended. Dan Jones resigned very early on Wednesday from the KPFT LAB due to Buzzanco's insane quest for power and control. What the other Houston activists do will likely decide things. If they let themselves be snowballed by the Buzzanco Axis Powers, then anyone who stands in their way will become a target for abuse. But if they see through it, if they recognize how little that tiny group did to help the movement to regain Pacifica and how they've been waiting in the wings all the while for the right time to strike to seize power, then maybe they can put a stop to it.
But if they don't stop Buzzanco, it spells doom for KPFT, to be sure. This group will be equivalent to the French Committee for Public Safety, with Buzzanco as their Robespierre. And just as in the French example, it won't be long before Buzzanco's head is in the chopper as well and the Thermidorian Reaction sets in, a period of intense instabilty and corruption, followed by the rise of some sort of Napolean and the eventual return to Ganterism. I give it less than five years before we are back to where we started if Buzzanco succeeds.
I haven't been keeping this stuff from the Houston locals. All the while I've been telling them about the threat that Buzzanco, Ingham and the rest of the anti-democratic bunch posed to the reclamation of KPFT. Well, now the critical point is upon us. I hope that the hardworking KPFT activists are up to the challenge. And in regards to the national movement, just watch who aligns where. We already know where Lyn Gerry stands -- knee deep in the cesspool of Buzzancoism.