Counter Demonstrate Against Anti-Latino Racists On Jan 21st!!

by Rampage Friday, Jan. 18, 2002 at 1:00 AM

Counter demostrate against the American Patrol racists! Noon to 2 PM - 5750 Wilshire Blvd

Racist organization 'American Patrol' plans to have a rally against Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Foundation in LA. Though many of us aren't fans of Jesse Jackson, we certainly need to confront this racist group and show the public who they are.

'American Patrol' ( searches for news articles on any latinos who commit crimes, and then posts them on their website calling it proof that latinos are ruining the country. They say that Mexicans are flooding across the border so that they can take over the US. They were counter protested on July 4th 2000, when they had racist ranchers speaking at their rally about hunting down immigrants in Arizona with assault rifles. Recently American Patrol along with CCIR hosted a rally for issuing Mexicans special ID cards, and advocated military occupation of the US/Mexican border.

If we are truly advocates of anti-racism, we must unite against this attack on our brothers and sisters in this country who have been brutally attacked, and murdered by the same likes of these racists. Come to the counter demo and show them what we think of blatant fascists.

Counter demostrate against the American Patrol racists!

Noon to 2 PM - 5750 Wilshire Blvd

Original: Counter Demonstrate Against Anti-Latino Racists On Jan 21st!!