Yucca Mountain OK Means Nuclear Waste Moving Through CA & LA

by IMC-LA Sunday, Jan. 13, 2002 at 1:30 AM

Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham approved a long-stalled proposal to store nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain in Nevada. But that's not just bad for Nevada, it's bad for people in almost every state in the union--and California is no exception, according to Public Citizen.

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Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham approved a long-stalled proposal to store nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain in Nevada. But that's not just bad for Nevada, it's bad for people in almost every state in the union who will have nuclear waste passing through the cities and neighborhoods where they live. California is no exception. In order to pre-empt such concerns, the government has refused to divulge the pathways that will be used to ship nuclear waste, but Public Citizen has put together a well-researched blueprint the most likely transportion routes for every state affected. This map shows the routes inside California. According to Public Citizen,

* A person standing one yard away from an unshielded, 10 year old fuel assembly, would receive a lethal dose of radiation (500 rem) in less than three minutes. A thirty-second exposure (100 rem) at the same distance, would significantly increase the risk of cancer or genetic damage.

* A scenario involving a high speed impact, long duration fire, and fuel oxidation would contaminate a 42 square mile area, require 462 days to clean up, and cost 0 million.

* Hazardous material releases in a ten year period caused over 0 million in damages, over 4000 minor injuries, over 350 major injuries, and over a staggering 100 deaths.

* California will receive 1,242 Total Rail Casks and 44 Total Highway Casks over 30 years.

For detailed California info, click on link below.

Original: Yucca Mountain OK Means Nuclear Waste Moving Through CA & LA