Freeing the Innocent

by Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger Saturday, Dec. 22, 2001 at 9:44 PM
notavailable na 402 North Geneva St. #4 Ithaca NY 14851

"..Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away.." Is. 49:25.

My Daddy said that it's just as well that I didn't make reference to Psalm 83:2 in the title of "The Beast Raises Its Head Again" Id=108404 since most Bibles do not mention "Beast" in that passage; however KJV reads "..thine enemies make a tumult; and they that hate thee have lifted up the head", which certainly describes my abduction at Cornell really well. My abduction has become "People vs. Robert Meade #36771 - "Resisting Arrest" with "Arraignment with Assigned Counsel" scheduled for 1/4/02. This is probably the result of the university Messiah Id=43985 slandering me on campus for 30 years and getting rid of anyone who spoke favorably of me. Keeping with the "Morons America Style" Id=46750 tradition of saying that you had to go to graduation in order to graduate; the Messiah had apparently convinced my arresting officers that I was not an alumni because I didn't go to graduation. I further suspect that this Messiah is the one who kept me from receiving my second University I All America certificate in 1974 (see "Sydney Olympics Revisited" Melbourne IMC Id=7378), contending that this is proof that I did not make All American. Furthermore I suspect that this Messiah was also behind the production of a big book on Cornell Athletics that has fabricated numerous additional Eastern Champion and All American Cornell swimmers with no mention of the best springboard diver of the early seventies who also happened to attend Cornell. When I was abducted, I was planning on writing an article titled; "How Stupid is Bush Daddy's Tribe"; but what I saw in the county jail made me realize that the blind unwavering stupidity of the Bush Daddy Tribe is what will result in the release of innocent people who have been lawlessly imprisoned as I was.

As I made clear in the "Beast" article, the town Messiah who had abducted me in 98, had called my brother, saying that I was being taken up to the hospital for a mental evaluation. This Messiah had called my brother instead of the judge after apparently intercepting the call from the judge's office somehow. When I was at the county jail, I realized that most of the inmates had probably been put there by the town Messiah and that they would do anything that he wanted to get out of there, for it is one of the most dismal places that you can imagine. In addition to the total lawlessness that is used to lock up a lot of these inmates, one has to consider that most of their abductors are probably functionally illiterate Messiah-wannabes who are after innocent people who are opposing no one. You are probably aware that the firing of football coach O'Leary was probably an attempt to make it appear that something is being done about the false credentials used in the "Education of Fools.." Id=79546. Well my giving the judge my transcripts and asking her to try to get the same from my accusers, being certain to assure that the university seal is on them, is probably the best way to catch these imposters. It's not like Bush Daddy and kid, saying that No Body can prove that they didn't graduate from Yale. People have to prove that they graduated, preferably before they are put in positions of power. It also seems like the best way to go about this is to ask for a list of all of the people who graduated for the year in question and then ask why the alleged graduate is not on that list. Otherwise they might just eliminate anyone who asks specifically if this or that dunce graduated. Once it is proven that people who have been using false credentials are not qualified to be locking people up; those who have been locked up by them will be freed. People like this town Messiah might find themselves in jail with some of those who they locked up.

The Secret Service is probably the master of this false credential business, for I suspect that very few of those who wear the uniform are ever paid as SS agents. Bush Daddy claims that a lot of those guarding the White House are contract workers and not truly agents. The secret aspect of this agency is probably what enables them to promote the rule of stupidity by never allowing anyone to question their qualifications and securing employment for all of them by word of mouth recommendations.

As a result of this proliferation of uneducated law enforcement officers, there is a "..people plundered and looted, all of them trapped in pits or hidden away in prison." (Is. 42:22). That is why the Lord has made me " say to the captives, "Come out", and to those in darkness, "Be free"." (Is. 49:9).

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Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger

Original: Freeing the Innocent