Xmas Song: “He’s beginning to look a lot like Hitler”

by anon Tuesday, Dec. 04, 2001 at 5:38 PM

A Bush parody song for the season. (Sung to the tune of “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas”)

He’s beginning to look a lot like Hitler, Pris’ners he regrets;

That rule doesn’t apply to us, so what is all this fuss?

If we tried them what if one was innocent?

He’s beginning to look a lot like Hitler, Exploits us with our fears;

The Taliban are ten feet tall, don’t want to meet one in the hall,

Or he’ll have your ears.

Finding Iraq in cahoots and Somolia to boot is the wish of Connie and Paul;

Girls in tube tops Giving the finger to cops is the hope of Laura the doll;

And Donald R can hardly wait for bombs again to fall.

He’s beginning to look a lot like Hitler, Arabs are his Jews;

Starving Afghans will have to wait, Bush has much upon his plate;

What they lack in food we make up with our views.

He’s beginning to look a lot like Hitler, Constitution now is gone;

Will Americans brave the tanks, while his cronies rob the banks?

Watch next week, - Ev’ryone!

Original: Xmas Song: “He’s beginning to look a lot like Hitler”