Earthlink Shuts Down Activist Site

by Pacifica Campaign, John K Saturday, Nov. 17, 2001 at 11:10 AM

A jab at Earthlink's "activist" ad campaign.">

Earthlink recently cancelled service for a website that helped people send mail to one of the Pacifica Board members, claiming that it was in violation of their "spam" policy.

In doing so, they contradicted their "political poster" ad campaign proving, once again, that it's all bullshitting to sell a commodity. It seems that you can have your freedom on Earthlink if you don't exercise your freedom of speech.

Attached is the email which set this whole ball rolling. Below is some background information.

EarthLink Launches Ad Campaign (about this campaign)

Imitation Animation, Earthlink's Theft. Earthlinks early television commercials were a blatant rip off of another artist.

Advertisement Marketing Focus Group. An example of how they figure out which ads will sell.

URLs to some early ads in the campaign: