by frank Saturday, Nov. 10, 2001 at 8:15 PM


errorThis leaflet is intended for general distribution to people who are generally not exposed to anything but the main stream media. Spread this all over – stick them on windshields, inside the public bathroom stalls, slip it inside news papers, etc.

It should fit on ONE double sided page. Replace all the weird letters on the left side with symbols (skulls, bullets, etc.)

If you want the word97 version of this with all the symbols and everything then feel free to email me, I’ll try to get back to you within a week. knarf62000@yahoo.com

EMERGENCY BULLETIN: Understanding your indispensable role in combating terrorism.

We must eliminate all forms of terrorism by any means possible! And help others (e.g. the Zapatistas) as much as possible in their struggles against terror AND for LIBERTY: individual and communal self-determination.

· What is terrorism?

Terrorism: politically motivated attack that kills innocent civilians. In other words, using civilians as disposable objects.

· Who are SOME of the most dangerous terrorists?
N Osama Bin Laden and his associates: they allegedly financed the operations and the training of his Mujahideen soldiers who
carried out the attacks on September 11. They MURDERED more than 5000 civilians! (IF the allegations are not false.)

N Saddam Hussein & his military: invaded Kuwait, they attempted to invade Iran, and murdered thousands of innocent Kurdish
civilians. They are known to have possessed chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction.
They MURDERED more than 40,000 civilians!

N The U.S. government: among MANY other things, has been sponsoring and/or training just about all forms of terrorists for the
sole benefit of the U.S. political, economic and military elite (the ruling classes):
$ Between 1978-1988 U.S. provided more than $3 billion in arms and aid to Osama bin Laden and the most brutal of the Mujahideen factions in Afghanistan in order to draw USSR into a massive bloody war. This later gave rise to the murderous Taliban regime (which was also backed by the U.S. despite the protests by various women’s groups).

$ In 1979 the U.S. supported Saddam Hussein’s rise to power after he executed his political opponents. The U.S. maintained support even after Saddam began to murder large segments of the Iraqi population. The U.S. government admits that it sold Saddam biological weapons, including ANTHRAX, to assist him in his murderous dealings.

$ 1982: U.S. gave the "green light" to the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, where more than 17,000 civilians were murdered. The U.S. chose not to invoke its laws prohibiting Israeli use of U.S. weapons except in self-defense.

$ Since 1991 the U.S. military has intentionally bombed water and sewage treatment plants in Iraq AND still blocks the civilians in Iraq from being able to purchase medicine in order to treat people who have been getting sick from the contamination. The U.S. government admits that this is done intentionally, knowing full well that this would kill only civilians to weaken Hussein (check out www.gulflink.osd.mil if you want to see the official U.S. government documents). As any other group of terrorists the U.S. government/military is once again killing civilians in politically motivated attacks.
Just in Iraq they murdered more than 500,000 CHILDREN !

$ They are also killing us in the U.S. by enabling corporations to exist without protecting us from their murderous pollution, defective products (e.g. Ford-Firestone), dangerous and boring work conditions (if we are even “fortunate” enough to have work). All governments kill people who raise important questions (e.g. FBI’s COINTELPRO program). etc, etc.

N The economic elite (the capitalists class, the employers) of all countries, that have been sponsoring terrorists for a very long time. For example: Ford Motor Co., Bayer, Daimler-Chrysler, Volkswagen, IBM, BASF, BMW, EXXON, ITT and GM are just some of the corporations that supported Nazis for financial profit (most were thrilled about the profits to be gained from slave and/or forced labor). Chevron is still sponsoring assassinations of Nigerian environmentalists.
S Capitalists have continually been pushing the U.S. into wars for their own profit (e.g. the supposed “drug” war that the U.S. is currently waging against Colombian farmers). After driving the peasants off the land they will have a large cheap labor force that will make them much money when they move your job down south. ALL people are in the same boat! It is the leaders (all ruling classes) against us!
S The economic elite - the capitalist class (with the assistance of the government and the military) often intentionally produce poverty and famine whenever it allows them to reap profit. LOOK IT UP YOURSELF! The examples are just too numerous to list in this short bulletin.
The number of innocent civilian deaths in the hands of the U.S. government, military and capitalism count in MILLIONS!
MIt is always YOUR responsibility to find out all of these thins on your own (or with friends), especially since just about all of the media is owned by FIVE corporations (GE, Disney, Westinghouse, Time Warner/AOL, Rupert Murdock) and run for the benefit of the economic, political, and military ruling classes – PROPAGANDA! But the information IS out there if you want to gain liberty.
§ What good are governments, bosses and leaders?
Like the mafia, all governments are simply a “protection” racket for the gain of the rulers (the ruling classes). They say “Obey us or the other gang will hurt you”, without giving you a chance to decline the “offer”. The minute that you start taking charge of your own life (e.g. demand local control, go on strike, etc.) these supposed “protectors” try to hurt you before anyone else. We have to get rid of all organizations that are based on coercion/violence. Such organizations can only pretend to be democratic.

§ But don’t governments and their cops keep us safe from violence?”
Rulers cannot eliminate or reduce violence. They only expand it by relying on all forms of violence and propaganda to push the rest of us into submission. The rulers merely try to contain certain forms of physical violence within areas that happen to benefit them at the time. For now, such violence has largely been contained within GHETTOS, the “third world” - the Middle East, Latin America, etc. But, as in all gang dealings, they can only contain violence for so long until it explodes INTO the gangsters’ back yards (the ‘protected territories’) by the people who were being held hostage within the areas of continuous violence.
The orphans of violence, people who have been living in areas where the mere survival of their families and communities has been threatened, feel like they have little to lose. Can we expect them to be humane toward the people who enable the existence of the mobs?

Terrorism will never stop until the big bosses (the capitalist class) stop pillaging “others” (foreigners, minorities, prisoners, the working class, the poor) and DEVASTATING the environment. Until the military stops murdering people to secure their domination. Until governments stop condemning large groups of people to misery and death for the sake of their twisted power games. Many other desperate groups could have carried out the September 11 attacks – and if we continue allowing “business as usual,” at some point, they probably will.

N But it is in the nature of the capitali$t class to care only about “profits”, for any military to care only about “victory” (dominance), and for political leader$ to care only about power. We cannot ask these groups/machines for liberty (it is in their nature to dominate us). We MUST TAKE LIBERTY! We must steal our lives back from all rulers.

· “What can I do about any of this?”

M Yes, we know that YOU have no say about any wars (whether you agree with them or not), just as all of the bombed Afghans had no say about the dealings of the Taliban, as the dead and dying children in Iraq who were born after the Gulf War have no say about Saddam Hussein's (U.S. installed) regime, just as Palestinians have no say about the oppression by the Israeli and Palestinian elites. None of us can ever be GVIEN any real say about the existence or dealings of the elites even when it is us who do all of the work. Even when it is us who suffer most of the consequences. This is the root of the problem!

M Yes, we know that nobody has given you the freedom to decide if your taxes should be spent on “smart” bombing chimneys, that nobody has given you the freedom to decide whom to attack if you are in the military, that nobody has given you the freedom to decide what happens at your work place (how you produce wealth, who gets to organize production, how much of your produced wealth is stolen by the boss, how much of it is USELESS shit), as nobody has given you the freedom to decide how YOUR school is run, just as nobody has given you the freedom to decide how your community is set up (if you are even given the freedom to organize and live in a real community). You are given no real meaningful freedom, no liberty. The leaders have been hijacking our ability to determine our own lives. THIS IS THE ROOT OF THE PROBLEM!
BUT, liberty cannot be given, IT CAN ONLY BE TAKEN! It mast be taken now!! It must be taken EVERYWHERE!!!

We must all develop a critical understanding of our role within this order. AT THE SAME TIME we must all fight (or play) to gain control over our own lives – individual control over all aspects of our own work (what we produce, how we produce it, what happens to the wealth that comes out of our labor, etc), communal control over the economy and the functioning of our own communities! You are the only one who can figure out how to do this.

You have already started. Now do it consciously. Do it for yourself and all of us. Do it in a way that you can finally have FUN.
M Many people have already started doing this: the Zapatistas, the CrimethInc collectives (www.crimethinc.com org.), the IWW union, the Food-not-Bombs collectives, the Anti-Racist-Action collectives, the independent AIM chapters, MOVE, the various Infoshops (e.g. www.infoshop.org), The Black Cross Federation, the Uruhu movement, Ya Basta organization, etc. etc. Each use different methods depending on their situation, but none of them can succeed until all of us do - including YOU!!!
M DON’T allow elites to divide and conquer us using our race, "nationality", gender, sexuality, religion, culture, appearance, etc.
MPlease learn from each other and support each other but allow NO groups or individuals to set YOUR path to liberation!
Start LIVING instead of struggling to merely survive. see you on the other side
Check out www.crimethinc.org com. www.infoshop.org www.struggle.ws/stopthewar.html www.actionla.com
:Please make copies and please distribute this to everyone, since we cannot LIVE without playmates: