The American Republic under attack from inside...

by Red Star Wednesday, Sep. 26, 2001 at 9:29 PM

America's Republic is being overthrown by US corporate elites as well as ill-intentioned cronies worldwide including Bin Laden...

Here is an article written by Sherman Skolnick in Chicago that shows us clearly that America is in the process to being turned into a large scale authoritarian and fascist regime. Skolnick shows us also the business ties that have existed in the past between George W. Bush and the Bin Laden family including Oussama himself. He also talks about the ties the elder Bush had with Saddam Hussein. Americans should wake up as soon as possible and start seriously to think to overthrow the corrupt and evil minded elites that are taking more and more "absolute" control of Washington, DC. It is time for the people to stand up and overthrow the tyrants before it's too late !

Original: The American Republic under attack from inside...