Hot spots of resistance

by Dr. Oliver Dreissigacker, Camrin Network Sunday, Sep. 23, 2001 at 2:31 AM

Almost not recognized by the media, there is more resistance than they let us believe...

Hot spots of resista...
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Almost not recognized by the media who seem to be eager to bring their viewers a "War Trek?The Next Generation," there is more resistance in the US than they let us believe:

Already a week ago, 250 students and faculty members gathered at the UC Berkeley to form the "Anti-War Coalition" and formulate the "Three Points of Unity": 1. Stop the War. 2. Stop Racist Scapegoating?Defend Arab, Muslim and Middle Eastern Communities. 3. Defend Civil Liberties.

And the Coalition already has a hero: their Oakland Representative. While the complete Senate and 420 Representatives in the House authorised Bush to use "all necessary and appropriate force," Rep. Barbara Lee (D) was the only one to openly dissent. The member of the House Committee on International Relations explained: "Military action is a one dimensional reaction to a multi-dimensional problem, [...] let us not become the evil that we deplore." Anti-war demonstrators in Berkeley and Ann Arbor go even further, their banners read: "The terrorists are in the White House."

Yesterday, the American Civil Liberties Union joined the alliance of concerned groups from across the political, religious, ethnic and racial spectrums to defend freedom at a time of national crisis. As ACLU Exec Anthony D. Romero stated in a press release: "America must not cede democracy to terrorism. [W]e will fight to defend the liberty enshrined in our Constitution and the tolerance embodied in our national character."

Original: Hot spots of resistance