Rock'n Roll short-story contest - The tribute to...

by PEARLCOPPER Sunday, Sep. 16, 2001 at 6:11 PM n/a P.O Box 181233, Denver, CO 80218, USA

Who's responsible for assassin of Rock'n Roll, like John Lennon or Kurt Cobain?

Rock'n Roll short-st...
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Here is the guy, PEARLCOPPER, that makes a special tribute to the most achieved, ' controvercial' and creative people of Rock'n Roll.

For PEARLCOPPER is not digging into frame of Elvis, Greatful Dead or Beatles themselves, but makes a remarkable point in history of Rock'n Roll along with others before.

For who's responsible for assassin of Rock'n Roll, like John Lennon, Steve Ray Vaughn, Kurt Cobain, Marilyn Monroe or Selena?

We all stand inside entire shattered image of Rock'n Roll, spoilled by (you name it from KGB to Politicians to Police to KKK)...

...the moguls of world and entertainment industry...

...Assassin of Rock'n Roll - one of the biggest horrors in history of humankind after Nazis and Communist WWII.


Original: Rock'n Roll short-story contest - The tribute to...