Reconciliation, Not Revenge, call for a meeting

by from @ist list Friday, Sep. 14, 2001 at 2:54 AM

An organization of faith based and progressive groups have organized a meeting on Friday 14th.

Today I met with representatives from several faith-based and

progressive groups in LA including Lisa Smithline (Center for the

Advancement of Nonviolence), Blase and Theresa Bonpane (Office of the

Americas), Margaret (Fellowship of Reconciliation), Don White

(CISPES) and others to discuss our response to Sept 11's horrors by

progressive communities in LA...

We are a group that seeks to clearly state our belief in

Reconciliation, Not Revenge, coupled with a call for accountability

for the criminals responsible, but NO attacks on innocents.

At this meeting we set a follow-up meeting for Friday, Sept 14 at

12:30 pm at the Peace Center 8124 W 3rd LA (3rd at Crescent Heights).

We would be very much interested in your attending and help with our


Today, we chose some symbols. We will be wearing green ribbons, and

placing a candle in our windows at night. We will also be producing a

sign for placement in windows with art showing a candle and the words

"May Peace Prevail On Earth". We will be finalizing our Call this

evening and make that available to as broad an group as possible

tomorrow. We will incorporate the Call language in a Letter to

Congress and a Petition. Finally, we will begin candlelight vigils at

Griffith Park merry-Go-Round on Sunday, Sept. 16 at 5:00 (twilight).

There will be a flyer available (including a map) tomorrow.

Original: Reconciliation, Not Revenge, call for a meeting