CBS Poll: America Wants Retaliation

by Michael Balliro Friday, Sep. 14, 2001 at 2:52 AM

CBS 'news' reports tonight that 66% of the American people demand reetaliation even if innocent people are to be killed in the process. As they offer little context for 'scientifically' conducted poll, nor offer us the parameters of the polling on air, it is almost as if CBS intends to fan the flames of war.

Among other qestions asked include:

- Are Attacks Another Pearl Harbor?

- Should U.S. Intelligence Have Known About Attacks In Advance?

Once again we have to give thanks for the IMC for providing

us with a more thought out perspective on the weeks events.

The CBS story begins:

(CBS) Most Americans think war

is inevitable following the terrorist

attacks on New York and

Washington, and two-thirds think

the U.S. should retaliate even if

innocent people are killed. Many

Americanss also wonder why the

government didn't prevent the

attacks, according to a CBS News


see source:,1597,310887-412,00.shtml

Original: CBS Poll: America Wants Retaliation