Just Like Oklahoma City!!!

by Anti-Fascist Thursday, Sep. 13, 2001 at 12:57 PM

The U.S. government and corporate propaganda media are making the same RACIST jump to conclusion they made immediately following the Oklahoma City bombing!

The outpouring of anti-Arab, Iranian, (ANTI-SEMITIC!) rhetoric by the U.S. corporate "media" outlets is nothing short of DISGUSTING!!! This is the SAME RACIST MISTAKE they made in 1995 after the Oklahoma City bombing which turned out to have been committed by a WHITE-BOY! All these shrieking exclamations about how EVIL the act was-well, OF COURSE it was evil, but so is the (still continueing) U.S. bombings and sanctions of Iraq that have killed HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of INNOCENT PEOPLE! The U.S. nuclear bombing of HIROSHIMA and NAGASAKI that killed at least TEN TIMES as many innocent people as died in yesterday's attacks. But, according to corporate propaganda-NOTHING DONE BY THE U.S. IS EVIL- no matter how many innocent people die!!!

Original: Just Like Oklahoma City!!!