"Weekly Update from the Deaf Messenger "Bobby" "Israel""

by Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger Monday, Aug. 06, 2001 at 11:11 PM
notavailable na 402 North Geneva St. #4 Ithaca NY 14851

Pertinent info and blocked access elsewhere brings this to you. They are printing a lot of my texts in staggered form; thus hitting the "print article" button makes it easier to read usually.

I've had quite a week, starting it off by posting "Songs for Mental Health", which I created by including most of

my "1965.." Id=29650 article plus the "..Dummy Line" Id=24806 and "Dem Bones Gonna Rise Again"


This was interesting in that I included Biblical references for all songs. I posted this on my usual assortment of

sites in the U.S., Europe, Russia, and Melbourne. I followed this with a compilation titled "Love and

Foolishness", which included "Love Festivals of Hooterville" Id=29190, "Coprophagia Rules.." Id=32589, and

"How Foolish Are You? Id=53907; and I posted this on practically every site that I had overlooked in my prior

list. I followed this with a compilation titled "Modus Operandi of Lawlessness", which included "Modus.."

Id=24988, "Chemical Modus.." Id=47525, "Coal-Gassification.." Id=48856, the chemically pertinent sections of

"Report on Lawlessness" Id=55844, and a Postscript, which I have included below. I posted this on all the new

sites that I had started posting on. I had mixed results with these postings; some never got posted, some were

posted and removed from the listings, and some were posted with the article missing. I've also determined that

a lot of my articles appear in staggered form because interlopers are forcing me to type on an abnormally

large screen more often than not or changing the page size after I have posted it. All text should be

interchangeable with the spaces between paragraphs being the only feature that is retained in posting.

On Friday I tried my first posting on www.indymedia.org. since my last "Update.." Id=56221 to you. I tried to

leave a comment after "Code Red Hype" Id=57076. In spite of hitting the "Post" button 200 or more times, and

repeatedly recreating the form, I did not succeed; and the text disappeared from my computer, forcing me to

give up on it. I wrote, "As I made clear in "Liars, Thieves, Murderers, and More.." Id=52651; the probable

source of disruption on the internet is a restricted access code which may or may not be included within the

Public Key Block. No one can explain PBK in a way that makes any sense, yet it has millions of entries on

www.google.com. since it appeared a few months ago. This restricted access code probably comes from a

branch of the "fed. govt." like the "Storm Troopers"; i.e. Secret Service, and they would certainly try to make it

look like the problem is coming from someplace else. Blaming everything on the FBI is another component of

their game plan too because the FBI is so full of incompetent stumblebums that nothing ever gets addressed

there. Computer users have to get it through their heads that no one can be doing the things that they are doing

on sites like this without some code that allows them to override all attempts to access and/or communicate

with specific sites. I have not been able to access any pages of www.indymedia.org. for months now. Many of

my articles are whited out. Theft of articles occurs at about 25% of the sites that I have contacted, meaning that

the summary appears without the text if it appears at all. UK IMC is the worst in the world as far as I can tell; but

the same can apparently happen anywhere. The people using all these empty article spaces seem to be the

interlopers too. We must learn to "Heed Not the Foolproof Folly" Id-49490 of fabrications such as the "Red

Code", since the interlopers are intent on bringing the "Dwelling of Violence" Id=44378 on their own heads.

Maybe a pack of them will end up at the "Love Festivals of Hooterville" Id=29190 this weekend for the horns

are sounding for the Full Moon Festival. There they will be greeted by someone who may or may not be

"Manasseh" or "Benjamin", and they will be told: "Nice of you all to come and worship". Surely God will be

pleased." I finished this with my usual closing to no avail. If this comment ever did make it to the screen, it was

probably immediately removed. WWW.INDYMEDIA.ORG. has deteriorated significantly in the past few weeks,

and I question whether it has always been that way, for it seems like a lot of places like California have no

access to it at all. Florida had probably been similarly cut off for a long time, but now it seems to be getting the

'good news". If the interlopers are still trying to move on anyone who accesses critical information, now would

probably be a good time to turn tables on them. Maybe they could be lured out with recordings of that hymn of

praise "...One for Bush" Id=36001.

This postscript that I've included below should really arouse some interest in areas where asbestos has been

mined, for that used to be the most hazardous process that you can imagine. I can't believe that they have

eliminated information on how serious exposure to asbestos fibers can be. What this university Messiah is

probably doing in the building where the pool is may very well be a component of the "Silent Murder Epidemic"

Id=24603 or the "Concealed Holocaust" Id=35206, for anyone who goes to the hospital and mentions

asbestos may be eliminated. The same probably holds for anyone who mentions the petroleum or baldness

mentioned below as well as any other component of their modus operandi. As I also mention below, they don't

want anyone to know about anything that they have tried to cover-up, so it's best not to tell them. However

maybe you can get them to broadcast their stupidity by congratulating them on their "ingeniousness".

PS: I am writing you here on August 3, 2001; In a book from around 1940 titled something like "The

History of the New York Canal System; I learned that the Cayuga Inlet was the last canal construction in

New York State. This was part of a grand design to build a canal to Spencer and Newfield and eventually

establish barge traffic to Baltimore. It was probably doomed from the start for Newfield is pretty far up a

hill, and they would have had to row pretty hard to get there. The route to Spencer was a different story,

for they probably could have flooded the valley that contains the current Route 96; however I'm pretty sure

that Spencer would have went to war over such a thing. This canal did get built around 1908, and I bet that

it went as far as Turbacks, which was is a good mile or so south of town. There was probably much

drinking and toasting of their grand design at that time. They apparently don't want you to tell anybody

about this, for this book was taken off the shelves immediately; and they kept trying to give me a 1922

book on the barge canal instead. So don't you be telling anyone that they must have had brain damage from

drinking the water here or something like that. On the other hand maybe they were just trying to get the

"canal system" to dig a "sludge pit" for them. Most of Ithaca was underwater at that time, and it was

apparently being filled in with coke and tar. From old pictures of the rowing team I determined that the

current inlet was probably dredged around 1961, and prior to that the old canal was probably little more

than a lifeless ditch. There is talk of those who support this cover-up holding a swim race on the canal

where the boat yard is today. I can't see covering up such a humorous story; but it seems like these people

have never learned to laugh at their own foibles. They would probably prefer to make it mandatory that

you admit that Ithaca is a beautiful place.

I also suspect that petroleum causes baldness even though there is so little information on petroleum

poisoning that it is ridiculous. I did find that "propanolol" causes alopecia, which is baldness. This is a

drug with Isopryl or methyl alcohol and ammonium, and it is used to treat drug addicts. This is the only

connection that I could find between a petroleum-like substance and baldness. I bet that these drugs are

used to teach addicts that they are better off quitting "cold turkey". As for the baldness, the number of bald

people is probably enough to prove me right, for they have probably all been exposed to a large amount of

petroleum whether they have been swimming in or drinking toxified water or breathing toxified air.

At the pool someone took the cover off the exhaust vent and apparently tried to vacuum up the asbestos. If

the vacuum was behind him, I'd like to see what kind of condition he's in, for he probably got a heck of a

dose of it. Meanwhile the University Messiah is probably telling everyone in the building to breathe deep

as his "grand design" for "asbestos abatement". Think about it, those fibers never leave the lungs and

those who breathe them in will take them to the grave. I've heard that there was about ten pounds of this

stuff thrown, and I bet that the only solution is to solidify within the vent closest to the source until it

reaches specified levels within the building. The areas where that stuff was mined in Canada will probably

never forget how many people had to die before they would admit what was killing them.

That's all on their modus operandi for today; but have faith that there is more where this came from.

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Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger

Original: "Weekly Update from the Deaf Messenger "Bobby" "Israel""