Palestinians 580- Israelis 130

by solcomhouse Thursday, Aug. 02, 2001 at 10:52 PM

Palestinians and Israelis are engaged in fierce gun battles across the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Suicide bombers are killing civilians and children. Israeli troops have killed children. Intentional or not, innocent people on both sides are being killed.

Palestinians and Israelis are engaged in fierce gun battles across the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Suicide bombers are killing civilians and children. Israeli troops have killed children. Intentional or

not, innocent people on both sides are being killed.

Total number of Palestinian deaths are 580,total number of Israeli deaths are about 130 since the

start of the current Palestinian uprising, or intifada, in September last year.we have the story and

background on solcomhouse-

Original: Palestinians 580- Israelis 130