Re: Black Block Tactics, Respect Is A Two-Way Street

by Sandino Friday, Jul. 27, 2001 at 2:48 AM

Groups using Black Block Tactics must work with others in the movement to insure we do not hurt each other or the cause for which we're fighting. NGO's, of course, must do the same.

Dear all,

I believe respect is a two-way street. Groups using Black Block Tactics must work with others in the movement to insure we do not hurt each other or the cause for which we're fighting. Just as NGO's must do the same.

In future actions coordination is essential! For without coordination and minimal joint planning the police and their infiltrators will repeat the scenario we just saw play out in Genoa.

The police now know very well the vulnerabilities of our movement and they will exploit our divisions and lack of communication to destroy our credibility with each other and the public who we must win over if we are going to win.

It is now clear that they will infiltrate the black block groups to sow terror and disunity whenever possible. The only protection we have from these increasingly sophisticated police tactics of divide and conquer - is to do our very best to coordinate our activities, make contingency plans for the unexpected and employ security measures to identify and isolate infiltrators and provocateurs.

I strongly advocate in depth discussion and planning between NGOs and black block groups before the Sept/Oct WB/IMF actions in DC.

It seems clear that to avoid a repeat of Genoa and Gottenborg we must talk to each other as equals and understand that the tactics and strategies we employ in the next 12 months can either strengthen or destroy the global social justice movement.

Original: Re: Black Block Tactics, Respect Is A Two-Way Street