Urgent Alert: To Activists Opposed To "Free Trade"

by Sierra Org and AFL-CIO Wednesday, Jul. 18, 2001 at 3:21 PM

Stop Fast Track in its tracks. Send a message to Congress today! Call them toll-free at 1-800-393-1082.

Your action is needed now to derail Fast Track.

President George W. Bush and giant corporations want a special bill that will let them rush trade agreements through Congress with no changes and minimal review.

If Congress gives Bush Fast Track, we'll see: More and faster trade deals like NAFTA, More U.S. job losses and smaller wages, More attacks on workers' rights across the globe,And more devastating pollution of our air and water.

You can help stop Fast Track in its tracks.


Call your members of Congress on Tuesday, July 17th;

The Stop Fast Track National Call-In Day.

Call them TOLL-FREE 1-800-393-1082.

Tell your members of Congress that working families need fair and balanced trade which protects people and the environment - NOT Fast Track.

Forward this message to friends, family and co-workers who might be interested.

You can start calling Congress now!

Call them toll-free at 1-800-393-1082.

Original: Urgent Alert: To Activists Opposed To "Free Trade"