WTO Demands Sacrifice

by Deivid's Thang Friday, Jul. 13, 2001 at 8:06 PM

Anthropologists say that modern gods, like the WTO and IMF, demand drastically larger numbers of human offerings than even the most gore-drenched, butchering deities of earlier cultures.....

WTO Demands Sacrific...
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Anthropologists say that modern gods, like the WTO and IMF, demand drastically larger numbers of human offerings than even the most gore-drenched, butchering deities of earlier cultures. "This is interesting because—other than those followers of Islamic, Jewish, and Christian faiths with influence over national militaries—ritual sacrifice has mostly receded from the public eye," explains Dr. Elaine Burgess of the Hathawax Foundation Anthropological Institute. "It relies mostly on drunken death metal enthusiasts, secret orders of wealthy men who from time to time solicit unknowing prostitutes into their ceremonies, and the occasional cult suicide. Not exactly constant numbers you understand"....

If you think you can handle the TROOF and would like to read the rest of this truly smashing report, you must go right now, immediately to www.saviorass.com

Original: WTO Demands Sacrifice