Why U.S. Medical "Science" Doesn't Work!

by GREENphysics Saturday, Jun. 23, 2001 at 8:09 PM

- I hope this rushed survey reaches you in time - and that Boing is telling them some-what the same thing inside! - The article doesn't begin to describe the far-reaching activities in this new field: even Livermores' big output this year was a new Hydrogen Storage Tank, based on this physics! The message? The ERA OF "BIG SCIENCE" is OVER!

Why U.S. Medical Science Doesn't Work!

The roots of medical science in general, go back to the search for a "specific", that is, an ailment "cure" which will simultaneously relieve and/or make a health dysfunction disappear, and, in addition, as a result, shore up a separate functioning economic domain for the dispenser or "doctor" himself.

This "specific" has two very different roots.

- One in the Colonialist "spice trade", which carried back "cures", mainly in terms of relief, to Western Europe. It is notable that the two main "cures" of the turn of the 20th century, Opium and Cocaine, are now the subject of world-wide smuggling and repression efforts, the "Drug Wars". Both are plants whose synthetic preparations are not commercially competitive with the natural-growth production.

- The other root began with the prescription of inorganic "elementals" by Paracelsus, and advanced as the equipage, of first inorganic, and later onganic, chemistry developed.

Criticism of the substances, methods, means, and efficiencies vis a vis the body, of this method, have been strong since the beginning, and still exist, as that general body called "Herbal", "Wholistic", and other "Alternative" - usually, but not always, organic - remedies and "cures" attests.

The main thesis of the inorganic -> organic "main-stream" of western "Medicine" - that is, the machine production of "Specific Cures" being commercially distributed by a closed professional fraternity called "Doctors" - was that a "molocule was a molocule", whether it was found in an organic PLANT, or in an analytic chemists TEST-TUBE: and that more-over, these - now avered to be identical molocules - would have the SAME EFFECT in practice.

The preservation and de-odorization of both as "reductive salts", in the early part of the 20th century, seemed to put the seal of success on this assertion for all time, in spite of any lingering complaints of "Shamans", "Folk Healers", "Herbalists" and other, now marginalized groups.

Yet today, even before the present intense, and growing more violent everyday, controversy over G.M.O.s & cloning, this thesis was running into serious difficulties. Why?

The seemingly simple answer is: the "long molocules" of organic life - and what their functions are, and HOW they accomplish such functions, and WHETHER they are so constituted to be able to fulfill NEW FUNCTIONS, due to their UNIQUE and sometimes OBSCURE STRUCTURAL ENERGETIC PATTERNS.

The Greeks thought Atoms were like Billiard Balls.

Neither Chemistry, nor the kind of "Medicine" built on it, could make much progress under that theoretical models banner.

Planck, Einstein, Bohr, and others, thought Atoms were like tiny Solar Systems - with the proviso of "changing orbitals" to accomodate heat, light, and other CHEMICALLY REVEALED (and astronomically revealed) changes.

"Main-Stream Medicine", both inorganic, and organic, has made progress up to the near past, on the basis of this understanding - which it is trying to extend into GENETIC MANIPULATIONS, as a closed "truth-system" known as "Science-based".

It may surprise many readers that this "Science-System", both as a model, as equations, and in practice in many fields, has been found to be "seriously Flawed" in "polite educated parlence", but actually: FALSE and quite WRONG in plain English - for quite some time!

If this is true: how was it discovered, and why is it not more widely known and agreed upon?

It was FOUND by the performance characteristics of these same kinds of Long Molocules that are causing catastrophy in "genetic engineering" - i.e. dread fatal diseases, rather than the promised "cures".

It is being used empirically in the "material Sciences" of computer technology, membrane deposition techniques, Astro-Physics and recording, and many other fields on a day-by-day basis, but it has had as yet, NO SIMPLE FORMULAMATIC INCLUSIVE EQUATIONAL EMBODIMENT. And it probably never will, as you will see as you read on.

Instead, it has hitherto had such features as "pursuit formulas" (like set generation), "Deformation Modeling" (like Soft-ware integrated data feed-ins), Deposition technique performance feed-back constructs (nearly the same as the forementioned, but based on real energy-passage information flows), and other new techniques which are emerging nearly everyday.

That's practice: what about theory?

This is coming to be known as ZPE - Energy theory, and DOES have another "Prototypical Image of the Atom" though it is far from being as fundamental to energy manifestation, flow, and presence, as those former historical models were.

Well, it sounds so complicated, that I guess it is hopeless for the average person to try to understand?

No: its' pretty simple in practice, and its' play-outs are becoming clearer, but it plainly requieres a youthful experimental, rather than a formal professorial approach to comprehension.

Take "Doping": this means getting large effects from tiny additions of certain matter.

You try to get a "trend" (by repeated read-out position measures) - you find it has "spikes" so you may end up choosing a lower flow factor for the sake of manufacturing stability - many have come to grief for trying to take the top value, without checking stability parameters - and making sure they are solid under a certain range of conditions!

The whole field of "Electron-Domain Physics" is fine for the basic underlying stable, homogeneous crystal - say silicon. When you begin "Doping", you forget about all that, because it takes time, and doesn't work!

(The point here is that 99% rests on instant feed-back homing, and "genetic-engineers" just don't have it - the LS-50 is a barbaric, and totally inadaquate substitute.)

Same with "Heisenburgs' Uncertainty" - he was trying to "Round off" energy characteristics of certain orders, in order to stabilize the Quantum Model. That's no good here, because the whole thing has a "Finer texture" with definite fine-features (those spikes for instance), and you kind of know the proximity, periodicity, and energy level analogues are all determinents in some way - but basically, you just try to "Lock on" the unknown energy in some repeatable and stable way!

(This "finer texture", provisionally "Fractal" and "Resonant", sets it way far from QM-models!)

Then you look back at "Medical Science" as its' being practised and say: WHOA! Because it is clear that organisms' genetic heritage is a product of JUST THESE KINDS OF "LOCK-ONS" to this unknown fine-grained energy underlying pattern! And present "Medicine" is "fooling" with that, in a totally BLIND WAY - and that this is bound to have disasterous results. WHICH IS HAPPENING - and they clearly don't understand WHY!

(This new "paradigm" is not at all like the Newton->Einstein shift, that merely resulted in refined approximations on the "normal conditions" results.)

We are now ALL VICTIMS of this "Late Quantum period" experimentation of these "Frankendocs", and may well die as a result!

Medicine - if it is to become TRULY SCIENTIFIC, rather than just a lying or bluffing P.R. "Hype", must "cancel out" these present defective projects, get a briefing, and some of the new tools of ZPE-Physics, and see where their point of view ends up after re-working through this NEW PHYSICS OF BIO-ELECTRONIC SCIENCE .

That's SCIENCE! "Economics" is another matter entirely - and seems hell-bent on pressing on towards profits, no matter HOW MANY victims and sufferings such a policy inflicts on their fellow human beings!

Therefore - all advanced TRUE SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL PEOPLE should walk right out of that convention center - cross the Barricades and Picket Lines, and JOIN IN THE ASSAULT on their GREEDY, IGNORANT WOULD-BE CORPORATE "MASTERS!!!!

There IS a whole new world to build, and they can help - IF they are willing to give up their erroneous, and now superceded so-called "science-based" (now a "dirty word") practices, and learn the far deeper and more awe-inspiring NEW ONES.....

Original: Why U.S. Medical "Science" Doesn't Work!