NBC 4 needs to be taught a lesson

by hates pigs. Friday, Jun. 22, 2001 at 10:18 PM
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The christian FLEX appeal.

NBC 4 needs to be ta...
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Channel 4 is the worst I have ever seen. In a city like LA there is no place for them here. Go back to Bible belt kentuky. These "FUCKS" are always promoting religion and their ideas. Trying to "FORCE" people into the church preferably thier fucked up catholic church. Either they think they are invincible or they are just stupid. We already know your kids don't go to public school. So your not invincible. Just stupid. Your ways will one day bite you in da ass. You may have the "mindless sheep" but we have the "world" listening to us. You christian NAZI ways have to be ended. And it will be ended if you continue to report the news from your own ideology's. That much is true to me.

Just cause YOU think bush is prez and that means you don't have a responsibility to the general public to report the actual facts, does not mean a damn thing. WE are ungovernable. You will never build the church again. Never. You have already lost the spiritual & mind control war. The youth will never ever join you or your bullshit causes. Your race war is all you have and you don't mind using it. (ie. Mark Madsen) Face it you have lost. And you have lost big time. BIG TIME. Nobody wants your religion. Nobody wants your race war except unless your in the corporate media or the Tennesee mega mom or the nascar generation. lol@u.

channel 5 also has a nazi fucker preaching the news. During the laker (RIOT?) he repeadetly said "some People just do not know how to comply to a man in uniform". This guy is senile as hell. He should be dead by now but he can afford drugs. He cannot even speak right. He's like fucked up senile chuck hearn, they have no idea that thier "pearl harbor" minds have expired.

Which brings me to the media/police victory party. We all know that your "congrats" ads mean, "we have won the war against hooligans and troublemakers". What kind of communism is that? Okay Because some jerk wants me in my car "right now!!" I am supposed to go along?

This is america not china. We are sheep but blatantly herding us is what they did. And now they can take credit for a victory against crime. If anybody should take credit for a non-riot @ staples it would be Shaq. Not u.

Channel 4 news is by far the worst. Funny how NBC wants new young veiwers (SNL,FEARFACTOR,WEAKEST LINK,NBA,SPYTV) but local channel 4 drives them away because of thier ties to the catholic religion. Always preaching. Always putting their 2 cents in. Always promoting the church and all of their causes and beliefs.

Channel 4 news has got to be taught a lesson.

During the laker victory over the sixers in the NBA FINALS, All the news networks took turns Expertly ushering veiwers at home as well as the people in staples center downtown.

This is the really fucked up part,

As you watched the sheeep being ushered, each channel made sure to put a camera on each and every trouble maker. Including putting Undercovers in the crowd just to try and ignite the crowd.

After the Sheep made it to thier cars, channel 4 decided to keep the people watching at home by covering a burning car (which was more a movie prop) then all of the sudden stopping the coverage to again, expertly move the veiwers to PAX television in the end. This was criminal and disrespectful to the people interested in a laker celebration at home. Pax is a religious network and according to NBC 4, anybody interested in a LAKER RIOT needs god.


I dont need GOD.

They do.

ANd apparently, in heavy doses.

A lesson needs to be taught to CHANNEL 4.

Not watching it will not be enough.

They will (as they are now) be in constant danger of violent random attacks incurred by me and my terrorist crew.

Well lets be honest.

Thats what they will say.

I just think its fucked up.

So I am doing something about it.


Original: NBC 4 needs to be taught a lesson