Psychological Manipulation of Individuals

by perhaps Cointelpro Techniques?? Friday, Jun. 22, 2001 at 4:33 PM

Some interesting material mixed in here. War Chest of Techniques For the Sole Purpose of Psychological Manipulation of Individuals, committees, and groups as well as the public.

Subject: Psychological Warfare on Americans

At one time this was on Lynne's web site I do not know if it still is.

Her web site is

Do you recognize these tactics?

War Chest of Techniques For the Sole Purpose of Psychological Manipulation of Individuals, committees, and groups as well as the public.

This has been developed by Government/Educational Agencies:

-Definitions critical to understanding the PROCESS

1) Delphi Technique: Opposition is made to look dogmatic, unreasonable, inarticulate, and unknowledgeable. (If you don't like the message shoot the messenger. Character assassination a must when unable to defend position via the scientific method.)

2) Crisis Intervention: Create a crisis, artificial or real, and then come in with your own solution.

3) Consensus/group thought: Must think alike in order to be part of the group.

4) Dialectics: Forced conflict in order to force compromise/ ever evolving toward ultimate goal.

5) Position of POWER: Gives control of information dissemination, ultimate power of selecting who is and who is not placed on any given committees- control this and the outcome is a given.

6.) Develop Stakeholders: Those who have a stake in making it happen. Stakeholders are reached by appealing to their pocketbooks, (money talks) by recognition, by power, by a feeling of goodwill, and Last by one's ideology/world view.

7) Develop special people to become change agents- people who are fully trained in all aspects of psychological warfare.

Minor Points:

1) Mix a little truth into a lie, and tell the lie often enough and the public will believe it.

2) Bombard and overwhelm the public with information

3) Well constructed surveys will prove anything one wants to prove

4) Befriend the opposition to pick up clues in how to plan strategies in dealing with the opposition.

5) Frame the issues or put the spin on information in such a way as to appeal to as many people as possible.

6) Orwellian Doublespeak: Choose words that mean one thing to one person and something quite different to someone else: example: Educational Standards- to most parents this means academic standards, to big business especially international business as in global economy this means job training/ job skill standards, a cheap and compliant workforce to compete in the global economy and to those who believe in the nanny state government it means standards for reshaping, remolding good little politically correct Children.

7) Clintonian/ Orwellian Doublespeak: Example- A tax increase is not really a tax hike, but is an increased contribution to the government to the village for the betterment of society, combine Delphi and define anyone who is opposed to the increased contribution as greedy scrooges. Or , "It takes a village to raise a child"- what that really means it takes the Government, or the Nanny State Government to raise a child. Parents you are basically obsolete, Parents bear in mind here, only the village idiot would let the entire village in on the task of raising their children.

8) Marathon Meetings/ Long Meetings: designed to wear people down, people more likely to go along with flow in order to bring things to a close.

--Communist Rules For Revolution

-(Captured at Dusseldorf In May 1919 by Allied Forces)

1. Corrupt the Young: get them away from religion. Get them interested in sex. Make them superficial: destroy their ruggedness.

2. by specious argument cause the breakdown of old moral virtues: honesty, sobriety, continence, faith in the pledged word, ruggedness. (examples-values clarification, situational ethics and narcissistic and hedonistic entertainment)

3. Encourage civil disorders and foster a lenient and soft attitude on the part government toward such disorders. (L. A. riots were just a coincidence?... of course!)

4. Divide the people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial matters of no importance. (Racial differences?)

5. Get people's minds off their government by focusing their attention on athletics, sexy books, plays and other trivialities.

6. Get control of all means of publicity. (Media)

7. Destroy the people's faith in their natural leaders by holding the latter up to contempt, ridicule and obloquy (disgrace)

8. Cause the registration of all firearms on some pretext, with a view to confiscation and leaving the population helpless.

Final Rules:

1. Rewrite the history books, first by omission then rewrite with a different spin. A country which does not know it's past does not know where it is going and thus is easily lead.

2. Control all public education and combine education with labor. (ultimately control a persons knowledge and livelihood) --Nationalize Education & Job Training-School To Work-Nationalized Planned economy-The ultimate control of Power and Money.

3. -Delphi Expanded: Opposition must be marginalized-villified-persecuted-eliminated

Original: Psychological Manipulation of Individuals