The Bio-Electronic Energy Revolution

by GREENqor Planning Group Thursday, Jun. 21, 2001 at 9:26 PM

Details on: The Bio-Electronic Energy Revolution This gives background on the "Radical" Italien plan submitted to the E.U. conference in Gothemburg last week. Only a year ago, no plan like this was even considered possible At present there are three main types of Bio-Electronic Vehicle Energy Generators: they are:

At present there are three main types of Bio-Electronic Vehicle Energy Generators: they are:

1) The "Farmer/Artists Model" of Lt.Met./Air Membrane Power Sourced Cells and units: cost: 0-0.

Status: Now in the hands of GREEN Affinity Circles of the Earth Transformation Collectives.

Plans & Diagrams at: -and

Projected output: one million - ten million by 2002

2) The "Small Company" (B.E.M.) unit: Lt.Met/Air + Electrolyer Module Bank + P.E.M. stack: cost: 00-,000

Status: Now in the hands of various small manufacturing enterprises around the world.

Sale units & test vehicle photos at: - Hub-motors at:

Projected output: one million - 100 million by 2003

3) The "Large Corporation Model" ("Standard"):

Lt.Met./Air + Hydrid Tank + P.E.M. stack: cost: 00 - ,000

Status: Top Secret in a dozen of the worlds largest Auto Corporations in the U.S., Germany, Japan, and maybe China, France & Italy.

Test result report of GM proving ground record run of 860 mi. at: -May 2001

(An effort is being made to pre-empt the small company record-runs, to avoid public embarrassment - GM is using super-cooled hydrogen to impress high cost [plus one million] on the C.I.A.-media controlled public).

Projected output: ????????????

All of these have their heavier Metal analogues which have reached full recyclability sooner:

- In addition, a convergence of ZPE plate techtonics with membrane/electrolyte minaturization is predicted for the near future.

- There is also a certain corespondance with Solar Film & Lithium Polymer technologies - though these are restricted to "Fleet uses" for now, due to limited range.

- Air Cars are also cutting out a territory in Fleet usage which will tend to become of permanent standing.

- All these last are Fuel-less/Emissionless if sun,wind,or Water power are used in re-charging.

This then concludes the resume of present ZeroFuel/ZeroEmission Automotive types: the basis for the GREENcouncils' request for 100% emission cuts by Jan.1, 2007, the commitment and first implementation of which preferably will be signed for the whole world within the next five weeks......

Total projected production: 600 million by 2007

Other links:

This plan makes Unban Organic farming possible in a big way.

It also removes the chief reason why farmers still consider planting G.M.O.-crops - because they use LESS GASOLINE - really the only advantage left of a failing immature technology....

Original: The Bio-Electronic Energy Revolution