LOS ANGELES: Jewish Moguls Behind Chicano Candidate for Mayor

by La Voz de Aztlan Tuesday, May. 08, 2001 at 6:03 AM
LaVoz@Aztlan.Net (505) 215-4825 P.O. Box 4282, Whittier, CA 90607

La Voz de Aztlan Editorial Los Angeles, Alta California May 2, 2001

Tony Villa (a.k.a. Antonio Villaraigosa) is now being paid for his two betrayals of La Raza, betrayals he committed while he was Speaker of the California State Assembly. Jewish billionaires Eli Broad and Ron Burkle have so far reported giving Villaraigosa 0,000 through the State Democratic Committee. These monies do not include those given directly to Villaraigosa' s campaign by the two wealthy moguls during the first phase of the mayoral elections.

Eli Broad is the richest man in Los Angeles County, according to Fortune Magazine, and a benefactor of extremely profitable political favors by the current L.A. City Mayor, Richard Riordan. Through the funding of both Eli Broad and Ron Burkle, Mayor Riordan was able to engineer the takeover of the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) through the election of a slate of "puppet" school board members. During the last few years, large portions of the LAUSD budget have been ransacked by Mayor Riordan's cronies and friends of Eli Broad and Ron Burkle through various schemes. One of the most serious of these "schemes" involves the 4 million dollar unfinished Belmont Learning Center meant to be a high school for Chicano and other Latino youths near downtown Los Angeles. Millions of dollars where siphon off and the school remains shuttered and unfinished. The newly elected County District Attorney has now declared the school site a "Crime Scene".

Ron Burkle is another Jewish billionaire mogul that has great political influence, not only in Los Angeles and California but nationally as well. He along with Eli Broad and other Jews where the ones that put on the Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles and was a "big" fundraiser for the Gore-Lieberman presidential campaign. He threw a fundraising party for Gore-Lieberman at his Green Acres Mansion in Brentwood (west L.A.) and raised .6 million dollars. He has also committed million dollars for the construction of Bill Clinton's Presidential Library.

La Raza will not be the beneficiaries if Tony Villa is elected Mayor of Los Angeles. Tony Villa, who has changed his name to Antonio Villaraigosa, will be beholden to Jewish interests as he was when the Jews empowered him to be the Speaker of the State Assembly. That is why it was so easy for Villaraigosa to betray La Raza twice while he was Speaker. The first betrayal was the appointment of another Jewish mogul by the name of Ron Unz to a Blue Ribbon Commission on State Finance. Ron Unz had just completed a successful campaign to outlaw bilingual education in the state's public schools. The appointment by Villaraigosa, helped Ron Unz to go to Arizona and do the same there. The other betrayal was turning over the State Assembly Speakership to the Jew Robert Hertzberg instead of to a deserving and highly qualified Latino Assemblyman.

It is no secret that the Jews dominate the California Democratic Party. With less than 3% percent of the state's population, they have never-the-less been able to elect two Jewish ladies as the two U.S, Senators. According to Mother Jones Magazine, Jews make up only about 2% percent of the national population, yet they provide over 54% percent of all political campaign contributions.

What does this mean for other racial and ethnic groups in California. With the Jewish Agenda being what it is, La Raza is bound to suffer in the long run. For example, we all know that Jews are pro-homosexual rights. In many instances, this pro-homosexual stance, conflicts with La Raza's Christian beliefs which are predominantly Catholic. Vast amounts of Jewish monies have gone into programs that promote homosexuality in our public schools, colleges and universities. Chicano Studies have been victims, as we have recently witnessed at their national conferences. No institution is sacred, not even the Boys Scouts of America. Recently Jewish mogul Stephen Spielberg bashed the scouts for not allowing openly gay scoutmasters to take them into the woods.

Tony Villa's collaboration with the Jewish dominated Democratic Party got him the overwhelming support of homosexuals in Los Angeles. He is expected to receive over 80% of the vote of West Hollywood in the runoff. West Hollywood is a predominate homosexual enclave of Los Angeles. Also, the Jew/Gay Democratic Party elected an openly homosexual Chicano as its chairman. Homosexual Art Torres is part of the overall Jewish Agenda.

La Voz de Aztlan has not seen any benefit for the large majority of La Raza in California because we have an increase of elected Democratic hispanic politicians. These politicians are there at the behest of those who fund their elections. We need to first reform how elections are funded and then form our own political party in order to have true and real political self-determination. With the way things are now, politicians like Tony Villa and many others have to sell out to be elected and this is having a very detrimental effect on of La Raza. We are letting less than 3% of the state's population control us through their vast sums of money.

Original: LOS ANGELES: Jewish Moguls Behind Chicano Candidate for Mayor