by Robert Parry / The Consortium Wednesday, Apr. 18, 2001 at 7:20 PM

The Washington press corps is wowed by George W. Bush's handling of the China-plane crisis…the credulous treatment of the spin coming out of the White House is reminiscent of the Reagan-Bush era when author Mark Hertsgaard aptly described the national press corps as "on bended knee" before Ronald Reagan....

The Washington press corps is wowed by George W. Bush's handling of the China-plane crisis. Major papers call his performance "vigorous," yet humble. Indeed, the credulous treatment of the spin coming out of the White House is reminiscent of the Reagan-Bush era when author Mark Hertsgaard aptly described the national press corps as "on bended knee" before Ronald Reagan -- and later, before George H.W. Bush. Now, after eight years of kicking Bill Clinton and Al Gore for every offense imaginable -- and some that were simply imagined -- the big-name journalists are back on their knees again before George W. Bush, oohing and aahing about his understated leadership.


For the full story, click on the link below. The author, Robert Parry, broke the Iran-Contra Scandal as an AP reporter in 1985, a year and a half before the rest of the Washington press corp was finally forced to recognize it.