COUP WATCH: W's Coup d'Etat -- From The Consortium

by Robert Parry / The Consortium Thursday, Dec. 14, 2000 at 2:28 PM

The 5-4 ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court blocking Florida recounts short-circuits democracy and reveals the nation's highest court to be the ultimate partisan weapon.

COUP WATCH: W's Coup d'Etat -- From The Consortium

By Robert Parry

Let it be remembered that Texas Gov. George W. Bush, the loser across the United States by a third of a million votes, “won” the presidency through two key acts of raw power.

Bush's campaign sponsored a violent demonstration by Republican activists as ballots were about to be counted on Nov. 22. He then enlisted partisan Republicans on the U.S. Supreme Court to prevent a statewide recount in Florida before a Dec. 12 deadline.


For the full story, click the link below. (Robert Parry was the AP reporter who first broke the Iran-Contra story, a full 15 months before the rest of the Washington press corps picked up on it.)

Original: COUP WATCH: W's Coup d'Etat -- From The Consortium