Converge in Boston to take action at the first presidential debate

by RevereRides Thursday, Aug. 10, 2000 at 7:24 PM (617) 354-0008

On Tuesday, October 3, thousands of Americans will converge in Boston to take action at the first presidential debate, demanding real democracy and a real debate of the issues ordinary citizens care about. A week of education and community building will culminate in mass marches, colorful parades, and determined direct action designed to send.....

On Tuesday, October 3, thousands of Americans will converge in Boston to take action at the first presidential debate, demanding real democracy and a real debate of the issues ordinary citizens care about.

A week of education and community building will culminate in mass marches, colorful parades, and determined direct action designed to send a strong message to the corporate, two-party system - and the 100 million Americans watching on television - that our issues must not be ignored.


The week before October 3 will feature educational forums in communities across Boston, sheding light on issues such as economic globalization, corporate injustice, and environmental destruction.

On Saturday, September 30, young people from across the region will gather at MIT for a "Student Power" conference to form a regional Campus Action Network.


Actions in the works for October 3 include a mass community march, a labor union march, an alternative debate, a High School student walk-out, college student rallies and feeder marches, a "TV party," and nonviolent direct action designed to disrupt or shut down the "debate".

Get to Boston

Getting to Boston is easy. Drive your car, ride your bike, walk, take a train, a bus, or a plane. Better yet, helps us organize a Democracy Caravan from your town. Email or call (617) 354-0008 for more information, or just get to it!

Housing in Boston

Do your best to find a place to stay on your own. If you don't have any friends in town or can't afford to stay at a hotel, let us know your housing needs, and we'll do our best to find you a place to stay with a community or student activist.

Local organizing

Organizing is going strong in Boston. Email to get involved.

The success of this action will depend on people organizing in cities and towns across Massachusetts and around the country. Begin now by forming a local October 3 network, planning talks in your school or community, getting local groups on board, or forming an affinity group. Click here to join the October 3 mobilization or to find out how you can help!

Issues and Links

Campus Action Network
Organizing students.

Green Party

Mobilization for Survival
Organizing communities and peace groups.

United for a Fair Economy


The more money we raise, the more people we can educate, organize, and mobilize, and the more effective this action will be. Please, help us make history by contributing as much as you can afford to the October 3 Mobilization Fund - call (617) 354-0008 to donate by credit card or please send a check right away to:

o3 Mobilization
Boston Mobilization for Survival
11 Garden St
Cambridge, MA 02138

Contact us

Contact us at the address or phone number listed above, or e-mail