We are not an educated movement, lets get connected, communicating, and acting

by Robert Morrison Monday, Aug. 21, 2000 at 4:17 AM

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So what about all this movement going on. Did people just wake up in 1999 and start

protesting all of a sudden? No! So why all the hype? I believe we are all blind sheep

following the heard, there are more ways to fight battles than this! Our opponants want

us in the strets so they can kick our asses, they don't want us to fight in more effective

ways. Our ourgument is one of representation, so lets get innovative young minds!

The Fight Is Ours! let us not forget this, but let us not tag it to the first just fight that

comes our way. There will be plenty a time coming in the future where we will be in the

streets, lets not slaughter ourself, but learn to use it, tactically. By keeping a constant

communication with the mainstream we can propagate our message and the go on

'civil strikes'. It will be our well announced and broader accepted form of freedom of

speech! We must speak as much as we act, and our actions will speak louder than

words. Protesting has been around for a long time, the mighty forces have

suppressed far too long, it is blowing up. When we control this energy our opponents

will not be able to exploit it for their own benefit. By putting us in the streets they are

denying instant credibility. We must speak to the masses through any means

necessarry. The spray can is instrumental. Innovations are key. When we move

beyond the normal means and the abnormal then we have revelation. The tide is t

urning, let us not be discouraged. We must be heard before the violence in the street

escalades into lives lost, we must fight for our land, our people, and our control of what

the fuck goes on in our own lives, if we all took care of ourselves we wouldnt be

fucking with everyone else! PEACE from the Youth World Order

Original: We are not an educated movement, lets get connected, communicating, and acting