This is the City

by City of Angeles Saturday, Aug. 05, 2000 at 3:29 PM

The City of LA is the second largest in the USA...we employ a matter of fact police Department...

If you think 50 thousand protesters will make you voice any louder than 6 millon voters in the Valley alone...guess again!

If you think trashing this City will win you support....think again!

If you think fighting with police will get you understanding....guess again! Whenever an officer is hurt or killed in this City it is "BIG NEWS".

We don't care for people who burn buildings, commit crimes, and harm other people. We do care that you are arrested and put in jail.....

50,000 protesters is a drop in the bucket when you consider the City of LA alone is 450 sq. miles and the second largest population in the nation. The add to this the poupulation of LA county on top of this....well you get the idea...the VOTERS will win every time at the ballot box. The people who work and are stuck in you traffic will win when they call the police on the cell phone.

The workers will win when we call and e mail City hall (in anger) when you take us hostage in our office buildings.

we will DEMAND the LAPD get tuff with you....