"NO MORE BOMBS!" (Poster)

by Art For A Change Sunday, Aug. 20, 2000 at 4:15 PM
mvallen@primenet.com Art For A Change / P.O. Box 5751 Sherman Oaks, CA. 91413

Down with the Rat Empire!

rat.gif, image/png, 280x432

ART FOR A CHANGE (AFC) designed this poster reading "NO MORE BOMBS!" Hundreds of copies were distributed during the week of protests at the Democratic Convention. The image of Mickey Mouse as a bomb was created by an anonymous Serbian Artist during the U.S./NATO Bombing of Yugoslavia. I merely combined the graphic with the text and xeroxed a few hundred copies onto bright paper. Most of the 11 x 17 posters were mounted as placards to be carried in demonstrations. For more photographs and artworks dedicated to social justice, please visit the ART FOR A CHANGE Web site at;

Original: "NO MORE BOMBS!" (Poster)