Read Chief Parks' Account of Monday's Police Riot

by colin lieberman Thursday, Aug. 17, 2000 at 9:37 PM los angeles

LAPD Chief Bernard Parks's own words about the violence his men incited on Monday night.

(to read Parks' words, use the link at the bottom)

When the Rampart Sacandal broke, Parks stood behind the LAPD, saying that there were *no* systematic problems in his department.

Quotes from his comments on Monday night:

"A pro-anarchy, pro-violence, pro-destruction group of 'entertainers" called Rage Against the Machine has whipped the crowd up into a fury."

"Monday night's shirtless troublemakers wouldn't know what a protest is or what a real, honest-to-God cause is if one hit them in the face."

"...the potential for serious injury--even death--would have been far greater had the violence been allowed to continue and the momentum to build."

"...the LAPD accomplished its mission of maintaining the peace and ensuring public safety while using only the minimum force necessary."

use the link below to access the full text