NY Times' Message: "We Are Clueless."

by watcher Thursday, Aug. 17, 2000 at 1:48 PM

An article in today's Times lumps all protesters in the "Neo-Woodstock-twenty-something-male-partier" category.

Source: NY Times, Aug. 16

Author: Neil Strauss

Headline:"Protesters with no Message Except 'Let's not go home'".

Random Quotes:

"...they don't have a formal organization, membership, posters or agenda. But they are everwhere these days, causing all kinds of problems, chiefly because they don't want to go home and they want to be entertained."

"...they made headlines at Woodstack '99 in Rome, NY when the festival ended unexpectedly early and the former Air Force base where it eas held erupted in arson and vandalism."

At the Rage show, "...one LA resident said, as objects started flying, 'I came for a good time, and now I'm having one'. Was there anything in particular he was protesting? 'No', he said."

"...Many of those interviewed before, during and after the confrontation harbored not a single political thought. 'I don't really have an opinion on the convention', said a 13-year-old Rage fan fro Torrance."

Original: NY Times' Message: "We Are Clueless."